Sunday, October 7, 2007

Payson Cemetery

I think, besides the Eureka Cemetery, Payson is next in line for me as being the most spooky. (So Far!) It's very dark, only 2 entrance/exits and sort of unknown to me. We have gone there quite a few times and it wasn't until the 2nd or 3rd trip, we would dare get out of the car to take the pictures, before this, we would drive around and take them "on the move". So, here are a few of my favorites.
This one looks like a shadow man... keep in mind that there was no light behind me, just the light from my camera flash!!

This one is taken out the window of my car... I like that you can see orbs, with some white mist

Look... up in the sky - it's a bird, it's a plain - it's a ....?

I just thought this headstone was funny... no disrespect - but "Luke, join the dark side!"

These orbs were behind us on the road... there are quite a few like this. I think they enjoy our company!

What do you think?


Domestic Goddess said...

I think that is so creepy! I can't believe that you do this.

And wow, talk about a odd headstone.

Anonymous said...

That is so weird...the city that I live in has this tiny old cemetary off a dirt is really old, I think you need to come down and we will go check it out. Have you ever been to that pioneer cemetary off the road past the elementary? I went there once when I was on a could be kind of spooky?

discombobulated said...
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Anonymous said...

That is funny...when Shelb and I got married we had a pet furbie...I know we are dumb. But, at night we would here it go off and it would freak us out. Finally I was so sick of it I threw it out the back door into the snow and there it sat until the spring! Come to think of it, I have always had a problem with pets!