A group of us, including a 'non-believer' (he called himself that, and it stuck!) went to the Goshen Cemetery to take some pictures a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Non-believer had a great time!! He brought a high tech digital (I think) video camera to get some audio recordings ... he is still going over the material, I will ask if I can put some of the results on the site when he is done. We got some pictures in the Goshen Cemetery and heard some crazy things, and decided to go out to Eureka... I don't know why that is such a fun place to go. While in the Eureka Cemetery we actually did get out of the car and got some GREAT pictures. The orbs were there again, explained to us as dust... some were pink and red... would the camera be able to differentiate the color of the dust particles? I will have to look into that, too. We walked around the streets in the town and peaked in a couple of windows, I want to ask around and see who owns the abandoned buildings on Main Street and get permission to go in (DURING THE DAY) and take some pictures, make some recordings and just really look around.
Here are some pictures from that night...
This is in the Goshen Cemetery... there is an orb up high on the picture.
This orb was taken while arm in arm with Rachel. She took a picture seconds after this was taken, it's almost identical, except - the bright orb has moved over to the right. I'm going to see if I can walk her through uploading a picture from her camera for this site!!
This is one of four pic's from Eureka (my batteries died moments after entering the Cemetary) in the top middle there's a translucent orb - pink in color. Again, I will have to get pictures from the other people who were there who got better ones than this.
We are going to go "on tour" next summer and need some suggestions of interesting sights to visit and investigate!! These need to be legal for us to get in and within a driving distance for a weekend. Let me know~