Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tooele Hospital/Asylum 49

Well, we did it - we gathered our nerves and went on a real live ghost hunt, with professionals and everything!!
December 1, 2007 Rachel, Lesa, Lesa's sister Marcy, Lesa's mom Kathy and I went up in the first official winter storm to hang out with the Utah Ghost Organization and the owners of Asylum 49. (Which is a spook ally made inside part of the Old Tooele Hospital.) We had a great time!!
When we arrived, they had already kind of started explaining what was going to happen - we were broken off into smaller groups (around 10 or so) and guided through the hospital by either Troy Wood (Utah Ghost Organization) or Kim (owner of Asylum 49) or some other workers/co-owners. We started out with Troy, in the basement. Nothing like breaking us in!! It was not as "scary" as I would have imagined it to be, or maybe I'm just more mature - well at least mature enough not to scream and run! There was a part of the basement which was all dirt mounds and trails with a light in the far corner. We crawled there first - crouched really. Under the light was a chair, all by itself with wire like restraints. It was a very sad chair. It makes one wonder why it was there and what it was used for. We started taking pictures and they were full of orbs. (Which were mostly dust... Troy explained that most of the 'orbs' in pictures are dust - thanks to Dave - I already knew that.) However, he did explain that energy-type orbs were going to show movement and produce their own light rather than merely reflect the light from the flash of our cameras. Very interesting! We finished off the basement in the boiler room and maintenance room. Not a lot of credible photo's, but I did hear someone "shhhh" me in my ear.
The upstairs consists of about 3 hallways; Labor and Delivery, ER, and Patient/Lab Rooms. It was crazy - there were props for the Haunted House that were so distracting to me. I felt a little nudge, like I'd bumped into someone - only to turn around and see a woman about 3 feet away. That was fun. But other than that, nothing really exciting. We are going to send in our photo's to the Asylum people and they are going to make a disc with everyone else's stuff. When I get that, I'll post it!

Eating out in our "Ghosts are people too" shirts!

The chair and dust.

Boiler room - coal chute. There are orbs to the left, near the floor and to the right - on the screen. There are a couple of faint orbs above the box.

Just for fun... do you see an image in the mirror?

Patients room ... orb on the floor to the left.

Someone told us this was used to flush organs, and or body parts. I'm not sure if I believe that... it's disgusting anyway!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Don't you just love this time of year? The kids had a hard time going to sleep last night, so excited to dress up for school - the class parties, the parades and oh - the goodies! So much excitement! A group of us went to the local spook alley and had a great time! This kind of spooky is so much fun!

A group of us, including a 'non-believer' (he called himself that, and it stuck!) went to the Goshen Cemetery to take some pictures a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Non-believer had a great time!! He brought a high tech digital (I think) video camera to get some audio recordings ... he is still going over the material, I will ask if I can put some of the results on the site when he is done. We got some pictures in the Goshen Cemetery and heard some crazy things, and decided to go out to Eureka... I don't know why that is such a fun place to go. While in the Eureka Cemetery we actually did get out of the car and got some GREAT pictures. The orbs were there again, explained to us as dust... some were pink and red... would the camera be able to differentiate the color of the dust particles? I will have to look into that, too. We walked around the streets in the town and peaked in a couple of windows, I want to ask around and see who owns the abandoned buildings on Main Street and get permission to go in (DURING THE DAY) and take some pictures, make some recordings and just really look around.

Here are some pictures from that night...

This is in the Goshen Cemetery... there is an orb up high on the picture.

This orb was taken while arm in arm with Rachel. She took a picture seconds after this was taken, it's almost identical, except - the bright orb has moved over to the right. I'm going to see if I can walk her through uploading a picture from her camera for this site!!

This is one of four pic's from Eureka (my batteries died moments after entering the Cemetary) in the top middle there's a translucent orb - pink in color. Again, I will have to get pictures from the other people who were there who got better ones than this.

We are going to go "on tour" next summer and need some suggestions of interesting sights to visit and investigate!! These need to be legal for us to get in and within a driving distance for a weekend. Let me know~

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eureka, October 12, 2007

I left Eureka last time (in August) feeling a little disappointed because I, well - WE never got out of the car in the cemetery. We were a little unnerved by the town itself. Everything except the liquor store was boarded up and closed down. I guess there are a couple of stores on the main road that do open on occasion, but I didn't know that until Joel took me back there. I kept telling him that "Yeah, I know that it's not really that far away, but when you go over the little mountain pass on Highway 6, it's seriously like you've stepped into another dimension." I also thought that I had talked it up too much and that it wouldn't live up to the hype; leaving me open to mockery - again!
The whole reason Joel wanted to go, Porter Rockwell's cabin was moved to Eureka and there is a geo-cache on/in/at the cabin. We decided to go to the cemetery first, so it wouldn't be too late. We arrived at the cemetery around 7:45 p.m. and it was already dark, thanks to the tipping of the planet. Joel had asked me if I was going to get out of the car this time, and being we were about 15 miles from the place, I said "Sure". Well, I was lying. I didn't realize I was lying until we physically entered the cemetery. We both agreed that it was the craziest place - EVER! I don't really know how to put it in words but, it's a pretty big cemetery with each family or individuals plots being fenced off from others with chain link fence, racks from the back of a pickup, industrial type fencing that one would purchase from IFA or some place like that, chicken wire, cement curbing or just some medium sized rocks. It's like a puzzle that doesn't want to fit, each 'piece' is trying to be different from the others. The puzzle pieces are decorated with bits of tinsel, windmills, solar lights, statues of animals (dogs/cats/etc.), and some flowers. Needless to say, neither one of us got out of the car. We drove through and around it for a while, but never feeling quite secure enough to get out of the car.
We tried to find 'Silver City' which is a real ghost town, so much so that we couldn't find it. Our GPS read that we were right on top of it, but we couldn't see anything - AT ALL! So, we went back to 'town'. We parked the car at Porter's Cabin (yeah, we're on a first name basis now - we're pretty tight!) and got out to walk around. We walked along the main road and I was taking pictures of the boarded up stores, all the while having the feeling that if I got too close to the open windows, someone would have their face pressed up against the glass. I did get some good pictures and we had a great time. I was, again, so glad to get through that mountain pass and back to civilization!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Payson Cemetery

I think, besides the Eureka Cemetery, Payson is next in line for me as being the most spooky. (So Far!) It's very dark, only 2 entrance/exits and sort of unknown to me. We have gone there quite a few times and it wasn't until the 2nd or 3rd trip, we would dare get out of the car to take the pictures, before this, we would drive around and take them "on the move". So, here are a few of my favorites.
This one looks like a shadow man... keep in mind that there was no light behind me, just the light from my camera flash!!

This one is taken out the window of my car... I like that you can see orbs, with some white mist

Look... up in the sky - it's a bird, it's a plain - it's a ....?

I just thought this headstone was funny... no disrespect - but "Luke, join the dark side!"

These orbs were behind us on the road... there are quite a few like this. I think they enjoy our company!

What do you think?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our First Outing

Well, Lesa asked if I'd like to go to the graveyard and take some pictures one night. So I asked Rosalinda to go (she likes scary movies) and Lesa's sister was going to go as well. We went to the Mapleton Cemetery, that's where it all began... Lesa helped me by telling me not to catch lights in the shot, they can be confused for streamers, don't stay out after midnight and if you get scared (or scary feeling) get out. Don't ask questions, wonder why you're getting scared, you just get out. So, Rosalinda came all decked out in her good luck "clovers" - bracelets, necklace and PJ Pants - so the spirits couldn't get to her. It was a pretty cool night in March of this year, but I was so excited to get out and get some pictures.
We then went to the Springville Cemetery, I was a little spooked there. I was taking pictures away from everyone else, and all of a sudden all of the hairs on my head and arms were standing on end and I was creeped out! I dropped my hands to my sides and began to walk back to the car when Lesa took a picture of me - notice the streamers across my face and above my head (this picture will be a scanned picture, so I hope it works, if not - I'll see if I can get a copy from Lesa.) Here are a few of them with orbs and streamers. I don't know what the significance is, but they weren't when I took the pictures. Enjoy!!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Welcome to Paranormally Speaking... pretty clever name, huh? I wanted a place to record our adventures in Ghost Hunting, because I'm sure that there are a lot of you who are interested in this stuff ~ I know I'm not alone! So, welcome - pull up a chair and lets swap stories, pics and experiences.
I'll tell you how I got started on my paranormal journey. My dad died when I was just a baby so, that makes one curious from jump. I've felt him close at times, such as; important days, weddings, birth of children, times of crises, etc. But it wasn't until mom passed away in 2004 and my youngest was born in 2006 that I felt that I had actually been able to prove she was here. I got a picture of my husband and his parents with the baby and when I took a closer look and there is this "orb" in front of my mother in laws face. I just laughed and told the kids that I got a picture of the grandma's!

That piqued my interest and have been searching for more ever since.